Courtney is expecting her first baby, a sweet little girl. She wanted the maternity photos to feel really classic and simple, so we decided to do them in the beautiful Brooke Elisabeth Studio. She decided on three different looks – a flowy blush gown, a two-piece white set, and a bodycon black dress. All suited her perfectly and gave her completely different vibes. I highly recommend keeping your maternity session simple and in one location so that you have the bandwidth to do multiple outfits for variety.
Welcome to the world, Connell. His parents moved to a new house (in a new state!) the week they brought him home from the hospital. We decided to do the majority of their photos in the primary bedroom as they settled into their home and it was perfect. We added variety be doing an outfit […]
You want to capture every little moment in your child’s life because they change SO fast, but you know that snapping the perfect photo of your kids is easier said than done and that it’s not unusual for a mood shift to happen as soon as a camera is lifted in front of their eyes. This blog shares 3 tips on how to get your child to feel excited when they see your camera or hear they’re having professional photos taken!